Incorporating Gender Equality for Vulnerable Populations

Women and girls with disabilities are subjected to multiple layers of discrimination.

At times, there may be resistance from SGBs to incorporate gender-inclusive practices because it deviates from their target group focus, such as vulnerable minority groups or people with disabilities.

Women and girls with disabilities who are members of marginalized ethnic or racial groups or part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex community often face "double discrimination" in the workplace based on their gender and disability status (USAID).

People with disabilities are more likely than those without disabilities to have been sexually harassed. Nine in ten (89%) women with a disability and almost seven in ten (68%) men with disabilities have experienced sexual harassment in their lifetime (Jenkins, 2018).  

The exclusion and violence against women and girls with disabilities have heavy social consequences and hinder economic development. In fact, many women with disabilities who faced discrimination are motivated to become leaders within their communities and contribute to local economic development (USAID).

It is crucial to include a gender lens when working with women with disabilities or from minority groups.

NESsT’s portfolio company, Epanacombi, trains people with mixed abilities as bakers and caterers to support them to enter the workforce, access quality jobs, improve their livelihoods, and become more visible members of Peruvian society.

La empresa Portafolio de NESsT, Epanacombi, forma a personas con capacidades mixtas como panaderos y restauradores para ayudarles a incorporarse al mercado laboral, acceder a empleos de calidad, mejorar sus medios de subsistencia y convertirse en miembros más visibles de la sociedad peruana.

NESsT Empowers People with Disabilities

NESsT provides business and/or financial assistance to multiple social enterprises that train, employ, and place people with disabilities in the formal labor market.

Some examples are:

  • Siedlisko (Kolonowskie): Operates a nursing home providing full-time care for seniors and people with chronic illnesses, and also delivers catering and laundry services to local companies, individuals and public institutions. The social enterprise trains and employs youth with intellectual disabilities and long-term unemployed people as caregivers of the residents as well as in running the catering and laundry services.  

  • Fundacja Być Razem (Cieszyn): Sells laundry and catering services as well as wood decorative products by employing people with disabilities and other individuals unable to secure jobs. The social enterprise also operates a training program to place disadvantaged individuals into internship positions.
