Sessão Informativa: Como solicitar financiamento com o Fundo Lírio NESsT
2:00 PM14:00

Sessão Informativa: Como solicitar financiamento com o Fundo Lírio NESsT

Sessão informativa para orientar os candidatos interessados ​​em se candidatar ao Fundo Lírio NESsT.  A Gerente de Investimentos, Mariana Lima e o Associado de Investimentos, Caio Lopes apresentarão o processo de candidatura e os critérios de seleção, além de fornecerem exemplos de utilização de fundos elegíveis.

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COP16: Unlocking Finance for a Locally-led Panamazon Bioeconomy
8:30 AM08:30

COP16: Unlocking Finance for a Locally-led Panamazon Bioeconomy

NESsT, the PanAmazon Network for Bioeconomy, the Amazon Investors Coalition, CI, and WRI are co-hosting a panel at the GreenZone, COP16, Cali in Colombia to discuss solutions to unlock financing for locally-led sociobioeconomy businesses in the Pan-Amazon region, addressing current challenges and opportunities.

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COP16: Strategies to mobilize direct financing to Indigenous-led enterprises in the Amazon and experiences in using and managing biodiversity
2:00 PM14:00

COP16: Strategies to mobilize direct financing to Indigenous-led enterprises in the Amazon and experiences in using and managing biodiversity

The panel, hosted by global impact investor NESsT and the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC) will position the Indigenous Amazonian entrepreneurship incubator model as an effective strategy for conserving biodiversity and promoting the well-being of Indigenous peoples, by mobilizing public and private financial resources and fostering dialogue among diverse stakeholders.

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Encontro de Economia Indígena Projeto: AIRR - Amazônia Indígena Direitos e Recursos
a 24 sep

Encontro de Economia Indígena Projeto: AIRR - Amazônia Indígena Direitos e Recursos

A NESsT Amazônia, em parceria com a WWF-Brasil, OPAN, ICV, FEPIPA, FEPOIMT e COIAB, e apoio da USAID, proporcionará um encontro presencial em Alter do Chão, Santarém, Pará, com sete iniciativas econômicas indígenas contempladas pelo projeto AIRR - Amazônia Indígena Direitos e Recursos no Brasil.

Quinta feira, dia 22/09, à Sábado, dia 24/09/2022, 7 AM - 9PM (BRT)

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Masterclass: Why Becoming a Gender Inclusive Enterprise Matters
7:00 AM07:00

Masterclass: Why Becoming a Gender Inclusive Enterprise Matters

A Masterclass for NESsT portfolio enterprises on gender inclusion in the workplace.

Through a series of dynamic and engaging activities, participating entrepreneurs will learn:

  • Why equitably including women as managers, employees, and suppliers/distributors will significantly improve enterprise performance and impact.

  • How to eliminate gender biases in their everyday decision-making.

  • How to create workplaces that address the specific needs of women employees.

  • How to increase the number of women in management positions and owners/managers in their supply chains.​

Save the date - May 25th

Warsaw 4:00 pm - 05:30 pm

Bucharest 5:00 pm - 06:30 pm

Peru 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Brazil 11:00 am - 12:30pm

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10:00 AM10:00

[Webinar] Idea2Entrepreneur: Governance and Leadership Training Session

Si estás interesado en entrar en una incubación Portafolio o en prepararte para una inversión, la herramienta puede indicarte cómo articular mejor tus puntos fuertes y tus necesidades de tutoría. Al fin y al cabo, el liderazgo y la forma en que los dirigentes de la organización han establecido la propiedad de la empresa (es decir, la gobernanza), impulsan las decisiones de futuras asociaciones e inversiones.

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First Ceremony of the Anna Horváth Women’s Social Entrepreneurship Award
6:00 PM18:00

First Ceremony of the Anna Horváth Women’s Social Entrepreneurship Award

En honor a Anna, NESsT crea el Premio Anna Horvath al Emprendimiento Social de las Mujeres, un galardón anual que se concederá a un emprendedor social por su labor en favor de la mujer. Con este premio, perdurará el legado del incansable compromiso de Anna con el empoderamiento de la mujer.

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Social Enterprise Academy: Social Impact and Performance Management
al 26 de octubre

Social Enterprise Academy: Social Impact and Performance Management

The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) in partnership with leading international venture philanthropy organization NESsT is honoured to offer a unique opportunity to Georgian social entrepreneurs to attend the training program on Social Impact and Performance Management. The training will be conducted by international experts.

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