NESsT ran an “Earned Revenue in the Impact Space," a business acceleration service, with 11 Red de Pathway members.
Acceleration services consisted of an online course for leaders of social change organizations; we also supported them with individualized “coaching.”
Why do nonprofits need earned revenues?
Our course took Red members through our business planning methodology to: assess their organizational culture for developing earned revenues, set long-term goals, identify earned revenue ideas, and build their own business plans.
Screen cap of a weekly session.
Throughout the process, they accessed online content, received hands-on individual coaching, and collaborated with the other members of the Red cohort.
NESsT provided three courses to La Red members on (1) business concept generation, (2) business concept validation, and (3) business launch planning. Members were matched to the appropriate courses based on a survey and interviews conducted at the start of the project; each course took four to six weeks to complete.
Course Instructors, Alejandra Diaz (Chile) and Brad Michaels (U.S.) on a weekly call.
NESsT worked with the members of La Red selected through an online application process made available to all eligible members.
Participants of the course include: Centro Nacional de Producción más Limpia de Honduras; Centro de Producción más Limpia de Nicaragua; Fundación REDDOM; Las Páginas Verdes; Centro Nacional de Producción Más Limpia de Panamá; Fundación Parque Metropolitano La Libertad; Estrella de Mar, "Starfish"; Asociación Voces Vitales Honduras; iCam Group; Lutheran World Relief; and Sector3 Social Venture Group.