Lanzamiento oficial de la ventanilla abierta para las empresas sociales polacas

El 30 de junio, NESsT puso en marcha su ventanilla abierta para la presentación de candidaturas de empresas sociales que estén creando acceso al empleo para jóvenes y mujeres en Polonia.

The NESsT Empowers program aims to identify social enterprises that are improving access to jobs for young people and women through intensive demand-led vocational training. The program will accelerate the growth of selected social enterprises by providing each with USD 25,000 in seed funding, entrepreneurial training, guidance in developing a viable business plan, and support from NESsT staff and a network of professionals providing pro-bono business coaching and expertise, to scale up job creation and guide enterprises towards financial sustainability. The selected enterprises will have the potential to create access to jobs for 1,500 youth and women in the next five years, and bridge the skills gap by training and placing individuals in the labor market.
Learn more and access on-line application >>

As part of the NESsT Empowers initiative in Poland, NESsT has conducted an analysis of Poland’s highgrowth industries to map out their job skills needs. The analysis was designed to inform the selection of target industries that show the greatest potential for the longterm, skilled employment of youth and women. According to the findings, the business processes outsourcing and IT sector is generating 20,000 jobs annually in Poland. The dynamic growth of this industry gives an opportunity for dignified employment of young people and at-risk women. The challenge is to provide these groups with short-term and high-quality job training, and prepare them to work in the sector. As you will learn from the conclusions to follow, social enterprises have great potential to answer this need in collaboration with corporations and public institutions. To read executive summary of the NESsT Empowers analysis, presented during the event, click here >>

Thank you to all participants and speakers who attended the NESsT Empowers Conference, including representatives of J.P. Morgan, PwC, the Ministry of National Education’s Department of Vocational Education, the National Centre for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education, Educational Research Institute, Centre for Education Development, Pracownia Miejska, The Association of Business Service Leaders, The Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI), Centre for Continuing Education of the Local Government of Łódzkie Voivodeship, BGŻ BNP Paribas, Coders Lab and Go Responsible!
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