De un vistazo

Warsaw, Poland

Impact area:  

Labor market integration

People supported:

At-risk women, young mothers, women 45+

Joined NESsT Portfolio:

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The lack of qualifications desired on the market means that many women remain unemployed or take lower paying jobs in which career development opportunities are limited. In addition, many women who are in the labor market often fall out due to a lack of new skills. Women over 45, young mothers wanting to return to the labor market and young women coming from foster care who have never been employed, are in a particularly difficult situation.

Future Collars teaches programming and digital competences using the potential of new technologies to enable women who want to up-skill, change their profession and start a career path in IT or work remotely, regardless of education and place of residence. The enterprise prioritizes Diversity in IT implementing initiatives that foster IT programming among at-risk young women and people with disabilities. As the first programming school in Poland, Future Collars has prepared a learning platform for people with visual and motor disabilities.

Resultados e impacto  


individuals trained


Individuals participated in trainings are women


Alumni employed within 3 months  of graduation

Being with NESsT is for us like finding ourselves at home with friends with whom we share the same values, a similar worldview and the conviction that every business should create value and bring social good. Working together will help change the belief that “IT has no gender”
— Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska, CEO & Founder, Future Collars

NESsT Inversión

The Future Collars Programming School joined the NESsT portfolio at the end of 2019. NESsT invested in the development of a new training curricula particularly dedicated to young mothers and women over 45 years who are vulnerable to labor exclusion.

The NESsT team in Poland is supporting the company to disseminate the training program widely among users and potential employers. NESsT is also engaging a network of its partners to support Future Collars with the development of the curriculum as well as the placement of training graduates.