De un vistazo
Ubicación: Perú
Áreas de impacto: Ingresos sostenibles, formalidad del empleo, medios de vida rurales, protección del medio ambiente
Personas apoyadas:
Pequeños agricultores
Incorporación al Fondo de Préstamos NESsT :
Visión general
Pebani has 21 years of experience working with smallholder farmers and native communities in the Peruvian rainforest to sustainably source and process over 140 species of plants, bringing to the market a wide variety of nature-based products recognized for their high nutritional and medicinal values.
Led by an experienced management team, Pebani has established a strong presence in global sustainable markets, exporting to clients in the USA, Europe as well as Asia. The Peruvian enterprise sources raw products from 15 native communities following fair-trade policies. By working with Pebani, these farmers are able to access between 20% and 50% more in income compared to what they would receive from local markets. In addition, they receive training from Pebani on forest farming techniques that increase their production capacity while conserving the forest.
Pebani has many certifications for its sustainable harvesting of biodiversity-based products such as the “Biocomercio” (Bio-Trade) certification. Its processing plant in Lima has received HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) which guarantees the safety and quality of its products.
Uno de los productos más conocidos de Pebani es la uña de gato, una enredadera grande y leñosa que debe su nombre a las espinas en forma de gancho que crecen a lo largo de la enredadera y se asemejan a la garra de un gato. La uña de gato se ha utilizado para tratar enfermedades como la artritis, úlceras de estómago, inflamaciones y fiebres. Otros productos de Pebani son plantas medicinales (tahuari, graviola, chanca piedra, cúrcuma), superalimentos (maca, camu, mezquite, yacón, maíz morado, lúcuma) y aceites y látex naturales (ungurahui, aguaje, aguacate, sacha inchi, sangre de dragón, copaiba y palo santo).
Resultados e impacto
people supported throughout the supply chain
people impacted are women
mayores ingresos para los pequeños agricultores
NESsT Inversión
Pebani joined the NESsT Lirio Fund in 2022. NESsT’s loan supported Pebani to purchase machinery and equipment and invest in marketing and commercial development, ultimately amplifying its presence in new markets. The loan also helped Pebani to obtain Fair Trade and Organic certifications, strengthening its brand awareness in commercial events and global fairs.
Pebani was able to repay this loan in full in accordance with the NESsT loan schedule. In 2023, NESsT approved a second working capital loan to Pebani. This loan will support the social enterprise to continue to purchase native plants from local farmers committed to sustainable practices.
By offering flexible terms, NESsT’s loans provide Pebani the resources it needs to grow and sustain its strong social and environmental impact. NESsT technical assistance in financial administration and management also supports Pebani to meet higher demands and increase its customer base.